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Carthage Historic Preservation, Inc.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 375 | Carthage, MO 64836
Phelps House: 1146 Grand Avenue, Carthage, MO
​Boots Court Foundation (commercial)
Phelps Country Estate owners BJ and Diana Goodwin (residential).
Thank you to everyone who attended the Golden Hammer Awards ceremony on April 19th! Boots Manager Jeremy Morris opened the Clark Gable room for viewing and led a tour through part of the tunnel located under the Boots. BJ and Diana Goodwin offered tours of their estate and allowed attendees to enjoy the grounds around their beautiful lakes.
A special thank you to Eddie Grundy and CARTHAGE HARDWARE for the sponsorship of these awards.
Thank you also to Golden Hammer Committee Co-chairs Steve Wagner and Josh Anderson.

CHP Board President Van Bennett, Board member Josh Anderson, Boots rep Becky Andrews, Boots Manager Jeremy Morris,
BJ Goodwin, Diana Goodwin, Board member Steve Wagner

Steve Wagner presents the award to Boots Court Manager
Jeremy Morris.

Josh Anderson presents the award to
BJ and Diana Goodwin, owners of the
Phelps House country estate.

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