Carthage Historic Preservation, Inc.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 375 | Carthage, MO 64836
Phelps House: 1146 Grand Avenue, Carthage, MO
Enjoy the timeless beauty of the Phelps House
at your next event.
Perfect for birthday parties, family reunions, anniversaries, wedding brunches, bridal and baby showers, meetings, and other special celebrations.
Our House Manager is happy to work with you to plan your event.
For more information:
Event Pricing
(other than weddings)
Number of guests Price
1-50 $150
51-75 $250
76-100 $300
101-125 $350
126-150 $400
151-175 $450
Over 175 $500
Rental includes the use of:
Fully Equipped Kitchen
White China (service for 125)
Vintage Snack Tea Sets (200)
Punch Bowls (3)
Trays, Serving Vessels, Tiered Trays, others
60 cup and 12 cup Coffee Makers (1 each)
Charcuterie Boards and Others
Beverage Dispensers, Ice Buckets
Dining Room Table, 12' with 14 Chairs
8' and 6' Folding Tables (6 each)
Card Tables (30)
Folding Chairs (175)
Flower Vases, Bud and Others
Easels, Table Signs, Message Boards
Pianos (2)
Also available for rent:
White, Black or Ivory Tablecloths
White Chaircovers
PA and Soundsystem
Battery Operated Candles (assorted sizes)